
First I am going to tell you some things about your personal finances that should really piss you off.  You need to be pissed off because taking control of your future does requires motivation.  However, once you do take control it is like having the wool pulled out from in front of your eyes.  Now, time for that information I promised that should really piss you off!

If you have a 401k or an IRA left over from a previous job and you are not managing that money your self, someone is stealing from you.  Here is how they steal from you.  These accounts usually give you a "choice" of investments.  I put "choice" in quotes because you usually get to pick from a bunch of mutual funds that happen to be run by whatever company is managing your account.  The company managing the mutual fund is supposedly providing you with a very valuable service for which you pay through the nose.  That valuable service is picking which stocks go into the fund.  For this service, at the end of each year, they figure out the value of all the stocks inside the fund and cut themselves a check for at least 1% of that value.  They take that money directly from you and use it to pay themselves.  They get this money or not the fund is up or down.  So even if they loose half your money, they still get to take 1% of whats left.  Sounds like pretty sweet gig to me.  If that doesn't piss you off lets talk about performance.

70% of mutual funds can't beat the S&P 500.  Did you know that you can go out and buy the S&P 500?  It trades just like a regular stock and the symbol is SPY.  If all you did is go out and put your whole account into shares of SPY you would already be doing better than 70% of all mutual funds.

What I want to do is to teach you how to manage your own money using very conservative option strategies so that over time your performance will spank the performance of any mutual fund and be less volatile.  The strategy we are going to use is called the covered call.  Now let me explain how the different sections of this site can be useful to you.

If you are new to this site I recommend you digest it in the following order.

Step 1:  Read the section on Covered Calls which explains the strategy and why you want to implement it.

Step 2:  If you decide to take over your own finances then read the section on moving everything to a brokerage account.

Step 3:  Profit!

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