Friday, December 23, 2011

Opening a brokerage account

So you have decided that convered calls might be an opiton strategy you are interested in and you want to open a brokerage account. I have tried opening brokerage accounts with several different places, each of which failed for one reason or another. By far the easiest is with Think or Swim. They allow you to do covered calls as well as a bunch of advanced stuff that I hope to cover here some day in the future.

If you already have an IRA or 401k from a previous employer you need to open what is called a rollover IRA account. If you do not currently have an IRA then I suggest opening a Roth IRA. For a good debate on whether to open a Roth vs. a regular IRA just consult the google. If you call up the guys at Think or Swim they will be more than happy to walk you through how to open your account.

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